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5 products found for "Hagemann"

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Experimental box hygiene and disease transmission
If you want to protect yourself and others from infection, you should wash your hands several times a day to wash off pathogenic organisms. It is not always clear to children why they should constantly wash their hands and they do not always take it so seriously. The UV gel contained in the box contains small particles that become visible under UV light and shine in a fascinating way. Teach the children that these particles are representative of germs and bacteria that collect on the palm of your hand in everyday life. When experimenting, some children lotion their hands with UV gel and hand them over to each other. The particles are transferred from hand to hand almost unnoticed - similar to bacteria. If you illuminate the hands with the UV lamp, the residues of the gel shine in a violet shade. Especially on the fingernails and the spaces between the fingers there are particles that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Remains can be found even after a quick hand wash. Content: • 1 bottle of UV gel • 1 UV flashlight • 3 AAA batteries • 1 atomizer • 1 instruction with factual information and exciting experiments

€14.95* €29.90* (50% saved)
66.78% saved
3 - Life cycle poster
The 3 life cycle posters beautify your classrooms and help the children understand the development of the butterfly, ladybug and honeybee. Dimensions: per DIN A2

€4.95* €14.90* (66.78% saved)
17.92% saved
Caterpillar reorder gift set
Caterpillar reorder gift set from Hagemann: The caterpillar reorder gift set contains: 1 voucher for: 5 caterpillars and enough food Rearing container for the caterpillars until pupation Detailed instructions Master copies (differentiated for kindergarten and school) The teaching material contains many valuable suggestions for environmentally and climate-conscious action and for education for sustainable development. Such suggestions are marked with the "We-protect-our-earth symbol" and can be found quickly. How do I order my caterpillars? Use your voucher and the voucher code on it to order your caterpillars postage-free easily via the shop (start page form) or by phone, email, fax. Please indicate when you would like to receive your set. Note: We generally ship on Mondays, as otherwise the caterpillars would be unnecessarily long on the way over the weekend. You will therefore usually receive butterfly deliveries on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. The following applies to your planning: Once you've received your caterpillars, it will take about 1-2 weeks for them to pupate. Your butterflies will hatch about 1-2 weeks later. At 24 ° C, the entire development into a butterfly takes about 3 weeks. If it is cooler, it can take up to 5 weeks.

€22.90* €27.90* (17.92% saved)
22.27% saved
Ladybug - gift set
With this breeding set you can observe the development of the domestic two-spot ladybug from the larva to the adult animal. These fascinating observations are hardly possible in nature. Experience a real AHA experience and then let the beetles crawl into freedom! Content: With voucher for 10-15 larvae with everything that is necessary for rearing including great additional material the larvae are dispatched after the enclosed voucher has been redeemed on the desired date

€34.90* €44.90* (22.27% saved)
Butterfly gift set, compact
Butterfly gift set, compact - as a gift with a voucher for the caterpillars - with everything that is necessary for rearing - including great additional material (illustration not binding) - Caterpillars are not included in the set - they will be dispatched after the voucher has been redeemed on the desired date - Voucher redemption: Click here! Breeding butterflies is easy! The practical butterfly breeding set! Give away our caterpillars from German breeding in combination with the practical rearing set and extensive material (worksheets, rearing net etc.) and experience the development from caterpillar to butterfly! This is how butterfly breeding succeeds! You will receive the extensive set with net, the beautiful butterfly stickers and the identification board as well as a voucher for sending the caterpillars. The caterpillars are then delivered to the recipient on a desired date. So you can give away the great butterfly breeding set all year round and give pleasure. With this butterfly breeding set, the natural experience becomes an AHA experience. Breed beautiful butterflies (painted lady) with your kindergarten group or school class or privately from small caterpillars! You can watch the exciting development of the painted lady from the caterpillars up close. This is hardly possible in nature - an AHA experience of a special kind! Breeding is simple and straightforward and the children will be amazed! The gift set contains everything you need for breeding and also a lot of great accessories! The butterfly gift set includes: - Voucher for caterpillars in the rearing tank with feed - Rearing aviary (diameter 32 cm, height 30 cm) for ideal observation (pupa to moth) - Identification board butterflies - great stickers - detailed instructions - 12 copy templates (differentiated for kindergarten and school) - 4 interactive exercises for tablet, PC and projector or whiteboard The following applies to your planning: If you redeem the voucher, it will take about 2 weeks for the caterpillars to be sent to you. You can specify a preferred date between March and October. When you get your caterpillars, it will take about 1-2 weeks for them to pupate. Your butterflies hatch about 1-2 weeks later. At 24 ° C, the entire development into a butterfly takes about 3 weeks. If it is cooler, it can take 4-5 weeks. The set arrives completely in a polybag. No toy!
